Friday, April 15, 2011

Eau Claire Gets Regional Site!

Hello Blugold Fans!

If you don't already know...Eau Claire got selected as one of 8 sites for the NCAA Softball Regionals. We will host 8 teams in a double elimination tournament. The winner of the Regional will go on to Salem for the NCAA National Tournament.

For our team it is a huge motivator. We are playing well right now, but we know that we have to continue to play well so that we get to play in our own Regional! It would mean a lot to us if we got to sleep in our own beds and not miss the last week of classes! Also, it is definite home-field advantage.

For me personally it means a lot to know that we have a chance to win Regionals on our own field. As a freshmen, I was on the team who got to play on Gelein and win a Regional title. It was an amazing experience! After 8 run ruling our first opponent, we got to play the night game vs. Oshkosh. It was PERFECT weather for a night game. Warm, but not hot, and a slight breeze. We had so many fans there to cheer us on! We then got to play St. Thomas, who was highly ranked. We gutted out a victory in 8 innings to play for the Regional title. We then blew away Oshkosh for the title! And the celebration began!

We were so fortunate to have so many fans and parents there supporting us, and I'm hoping we can bring the fans out to support us this year! I am hoping that we continue to play well so that we can play on our field come May 12th!

Sara Baum #10

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